Quiet Leader, Lipstick Muse. Entrepreneur, Community Builder
Experience Curator, Idea Generator

Show Up to Connect
I create spaces for people to connect. Once upon a time this was in person events, and now, while we wait, we still gather. With both yoUnlimited and the Victoria Yoga Conference, as well as other partners in the community, we are creating spaces for people to build and sustain meaningful relationships and have inspiring conversations. Through my efforts and a team of amazing staff and volunteers, we are able to create places for people to meet. online. This includes both small gatherings and conferences with hundreds of participants.
Read to Connect
We all have a story to tell. As I go through this blessed life I have learned that every person has a back story – something that has propelled them to move forward, and often overcome challenges and believes. Follow along in my blog to read of the people I’ve connected with, perhaps they are meant to be part of your community too.

I'll Help You Connect
Sometimes we need a little help. As it says above, I am a connector and an idea generator, and while I dream of a magazine publication one day, this is where you’ll find ideas for building your own connections, along with how you can work with me and gain some insight and ideas on how to build and maintain your own community (or communities).