Speaking on “The Power of One” and her new book, Prime Time, Jane Fonda was interviewed in August 2011 issue of O magazine – I loved some of the things she had to say, because it suddenly hit her… she didn’t need a man to feel whole. She had spent nine years without a relationship, working on herself, thinking about what she wanted to continue with, and things she wanted to change. She became really clear about who she was.

Of her current relationship, she stated:

“I have my own life… I don’t share every single aspect of it with him. I’m not losing myself in this relationship. I’m bringing myself…and he’s giving me his real self, too. We’re both coming into this relationship whole. We don’t censor ourselves, or leave what we think may not be good enough outside, on the porch.”– Jane Fonda  »Read full article here

I have lost my own self in relationships, and the time between July 2010  and now has been a journey to be able to bring my full self – to not give it up anymore because I think I should be a certain way – it’s a journey – it continues – but I’m a lot clearer now!

What do you do to be your own self?  Post in the comments below!

Have a BLISSED day!
